so it's been a few days, but I'm still kickin.
I've been doing some design work for a friend of mine -- I'll post a few of the designs for ya (who ever you may be).
at any rate, on with the rambling!
I can't seem to stop fucking things up.
It's like I'm constantly destined to be a screw-up.
I'm not sure if it's just geneticly imprinted, or what, but I am one that is a magnent for weird people and chaos... you may call me the italian version of Loki - lol.
I don't even know what to do with myself lately... Yeah, I've been picking up odd jobs doing freelance graphics design and of course the gads and gads of baking... but that's all just time fillers.
what am I biding my time until? I have no REAL plans for the future, I'm too afraid to SPEAK to my families - much less reconsile... it's like I'm in a perpetual shit machine.
I know that we all at some point or another in our "adult lives" come to some point of crises, but for fuck's sake, I'm only 22!! I can't be having a "mid-twenties crisis"!
So, as a result of impending boredom, as I have finnished the concept art and finalized a design for my friend, my ass is getting back in the kitchen. Puppy chow and 2 pumpkin pies are on the slate to be dominated!!
I'll post some recipes up here if I think they're good enough. My homemade chocolate buttercream frosting is pretty much to die for (no pun intended for diabetics because it more than likely would kill you. lol)
alright... I'm off to find some other way to waste time until 10am when I have to run mr. roomie to his interview... maybe I'll knock out that puppychow. can't be too hard with only 5 - 6 ingrediants, right?
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